Monday, February 1, 2010

Skylar has made it to 5 pounds!

Skylar keeps growing and getting cutier and cutier! I can't believe it, 5 Pounds! It's crazy to think that only 2 months ago she was 1 pound 6 ounces. She is a remarkable little girl. Her lungs are improving a little every week, but it will take some time before she is off the CPAP and onto the nasal canula. She is definietly trying; she works hard to breathe, eat and do all the little things we take for granted. The doctors say it is like running a marathon all the time for her. What a tuff baby! Skylar has proven to be such a strong little person! Her little personality is amazing and so fun. The staff in the NICU always tell us what a fiesty little girl we have and how she will keep us very busy when she's home. I'm so glad, I love her attitude it is what has kept her going! Skylar hasn't had too many changes the last couple of weeks; it is just a growing thing for her now. The more she grows the stronger she will get and the better she will breathe. The doctors are still monitoring her head weekly to watch the ventricle and make sure it doesn't get too big, too fast. Her original due date is on the 17th of this month, but she will most likely be there longer. We pray that she will stay strong and keep on fighting so she can breathe on her own soon. The next few days she is getting her 2 month shots, ugh, she will not be happy about getting poked 4 times:( And Ryan and I are not looking forward to seeing them do it. We hope she does ok, poor thing.

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