Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just an update!!!

Skylar is just had her 9 month birthday...So cute. She is such a little 9 month baby girl. Her current weight is 12 pounds, not very much. Her biggest struggle since she has been home is keeping food down and gaining weight. We recently put her on night feedings, which is similar to an iv pump that runs all night and pumps so much food per hour into her tummy through her mickey button. Some nights it doesnt bother her while others I have to turn it off because she will wake up puking, poor baby. She has a great team of doctors and occupational therapists that have been helping us come up with new ideas and ways to get her to eat and keep it down. Personally, I hope to get her eating some yummy foods like banannas and pears so she may like her birthday cake for her 1 year that is not too far off. On a good note, Sky's lungs are doing so well. She is on an 8th of a liter and soon to be on a 16th, which is nothing! She is so tuff! Some of you may not know that we added an addition to things on Skylar's face, glasses. She is very far sighted like her daddy and needs to wear glasses. After a long struggle to find her glasses small enough for her little face we found some little pink ones and they are adorable. They make her pretty eyes look even bigger! I will be sure to post a picture of her and her new glasses.
As for Ryan and I we are both very busy, we are back in school and Ry at his new job with GEICO. He works all week and has the weekends off, thank goodness! Fortunatly, we are very excited to be taking our first trip as a family very soon! I hope Sky does well! All and all we are doing very well. Skylar continues to be our amazing little miracle and a very happy baby too! We are so lucky to have her!

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