Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 11

Well, day 11 has almost past. Jourdan spent most of the day with her which I am sure Skylar enjoyed. She can tell when her Mommy's there. She was a bit fussy last night and this morning though, but after they graduated her into the traditional ventilator she seemed to do a lot better. She looked comfortable and her stats and blood gasses improved throughout the afternoon and evening. It was Awesome!! We are so proud of our little girl...she is so strong! With all of the things she has hooked up to her little body and the little noises and alarms that go off throughout the day, somehow she finds a way to sleep soundly. It's beautiful!

We are however stopping her feedings for the moment. She has been getting 1 ml of breast milk every 3 hours I believe, but she has had a few complications digesting her food. Her little digestive system is still undeveloped but she'll get there. It's just going to take some time.

G'nite lil Skylar...we love you! We will be calling your nurse in about 2.5 hrs to check on you! :)


  1. Hi Ryan & Jourdan,
    She is so precious! Please know that we think of you daily...Skylar is always in our prayers! We are not sure how we can help right now...but thank you for creating the blog...it's beautiful. We are ready to help anytime day or night. We love you guys...Uncle Don & Aunt Kathy

  2. Thank you such much for your thoughts and prayers! We are glad you are enjoying her blog.
